Monday, December 22, 2008

plenty more fish in the sea............

Today we said our goodbyes to our new friend sushi. She passed away peacefully in the night. We have no reason to suspect foul play or suicide. She was only with us for a short time but was everything we would expect from a fish. We solemnly flushed her remains this morning. Kyle says that Santa will bring us another fish, but we reminded him that there are no fish in the north pole because it is frozen over, Unfortunately (for us) Kyle insisted that it is still possible to find live fish under the surface of the ice!!! (seriously... why is he so intelligent??)

farewell our beloved sushi!!


Gorilla Bananas said...

Poor fish. I hope she had a happy life.

Jill said...

I accidentally poured a live fish down the drain was sad. so sorry to hear about your loss. :) MERRY CHRISTMAS! thanks,again, for saving us a seat at sacrament yesterday...even if you didn't mean to. Ha!

Cheryl said...

It had a good run. You can come borrow ours if it will help the transition.