Saturday, January 23, 2010

I saw a mouse... where????

Over the past month, I have been finding Owen's pacifiers/dummies in the car, with chewed up holes in them. I kept throwing them out whilst rolling my eyes (how is Owen doing this with only a crumb of a tooth??) a couple of times Owen's bottle was left in his carseat, and we would find it with the top completely chewed right off. Once again, poor Owen, was getting the blame! Then I discovered that Owen's blanket had a ragged hole in the middle, which I thought was rather odd, but snuggled him up in it anyway because it was cold.
As I said before, these strange discoveries happened over the course of a month. I happen to be chatting on the phone to my sister Emma ( she has many MANY children and I often compare notes with her) I told her of how Owen had an extremely sharp, crumb of a tooth, I believe I likened it onto a razer blade. I proceeded to tell her of the shredded pacifiers and bottles that I keep finding in the car, to which she said.... " that is not your baby, you have a MOUSE!!!!!" Oh the horror! I was beside myself! I felt the vomit rising to my throat, my knees were weak. I was absolutely HORRIFIED!! I refused to get into the car!

* I am happy to report that on day 1, The mouse was caught in a bless-ed trap. ahhh the relief! lets hope he was an infertile male!!!

* On day 2, a chewed up pacifier was discovered after the execution of mouse #1 traps were set.

* On day 3, bate was gone, no mouse in trap. Beth has lost 6lbs from walking!

* On day 4, Mouse #2 caught in the sticky trap (hey that was good advice facebook friends)

* On day 5, My diaper bag was leaking, another chewed up bottle is reported!

To this day, we have not caught any more of our friends. I will keep you posted! All this mouse drama has put all my other issues into perspective, I would gladly welcome back my teenage acne to live in mouse-free bliss!

Owen Grant age 9 months

Kyle has 4 scrapbooks and calendars, babybooks galore. Brody has 1 scrapbook and a calendar, Poor little Owen has a calender and on page one it says.... "Owen is here!" and thats about it! Here is my attempt to try and document some of his milestones.

Owen is 9 months, and I can't believe he is growing up so fast before my eyes! This month has been very busy for Mr Owen......

* He has decided that he no longer wants to be a baby! He is no longer interested in nursing, and prefers a nice warm bottle of formula.

*At the beginning of the month, his first little tooth popped through! and now he has two!

*He has moved on to alot of table foods.

* He has learning how to pull himself up to standing position.

* He has learned how to crawl.

* He has discovered the joys of dvd players and wires.

* He gets to have a big boy bath with his brothers now.

* He has learned how to dance.

* He can wave bye bye.

* He can shake his head.

* He enjoys peek-a-boo

* He learned how to throw a temper tantrum (and has done it many times since)

Owen is the sweetest, loveliest, good natured baby! It is impossable to put into words how much I LOVE and ADORE him

The toilet has the flu!!

That is what our funny man Brody exclaimed, as he ran out the bathroom..... "the toilet has the flu!" and the translation is... The toilet is clogged!

Here is Brody with his $15 bike! (gotta love yard sales!)