Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Bye Bye Popcorn seed!!!!

Ever since kyle was a tiny baby, he has had a funny little lump inside his belly-button. It reminds me of a popcorn kernel, so we have always nick-named it his popcorn seed! Recently Kyle was having a routine check up from our doctor, and when he came across Kyles little popcorn seed, he decided it would be better to remove it for him. So this morning we went for our little procedure, I was feeling pretty calm and was trying to make sure kyle was happy and comfortable, and then Dr Lamb started pulling and cutting, Kyle was nicely numbed up and lay there like a proper tough guy! The dr continued tugging and slicing, and all of a sudden I felt my face tingle, my head started spinning, I felt the need to throw up and my legs started giving way beneath me!! The doctor had to grab my arm and help me into a chair! What a wimp I turned out to be!! It was especially surprising for me since I watch discovery health channel all the time, and I am fascinated with the human body and anything medical. So I sat with my head in between my knees while Kyle lay still and brave getting his stitches.

On the way home from the doctor, my big brave boy started sobbing, He said he really wanted his popcorn seed back on, because he "really really missed it!" Poor Kyle my heart went out to him but I couldnt help hiding a little chuckle. He is such a special boy, and I am so proud of him. I couldnt ask for a better child than Kyle and I feel so blessed to be his mummy!!!


Jodi said...

You are a good mommy! At least you were in the room with him, trying to handle the whole situation. It's a lot easier to watch something on TV than when it's happening to your own child. When Madison was three weeks old, she had Pyloric Stenosis and had to have surgery. When the nurses were trying to put her IV in, I was falling apart, and when they put a tube down her throat, I just about came unglued! It's so hard to see your child having something like that done. You did really well. :0)

The Curtis Family said...

It all changes when it's your own kid lying on that table. I'm pretty calm and collected most of the time (really, it's true), but when I saw Tess lying on that ER table all sedated with a hanger stuck in her mouth it was all I could do not to lose it. I cried like a baby when we got home. No barfing here, just tears!

You are a good mum Bethie.

Alli grins said...

Cute post, Beth! Dan & I are still scarred for life for watching Corey's circumcision (don't ask!) I watched my 2nd c-section in a mirror the nurse set up so I could "participate," but seeing your kids hurt is a whole different experience. It's every parent's worst fear to see our kiddos in pain. Is Kyle still missing his "popcorn seed" or is he over it now? You are such a great Mommy;-)