Brody~" when I take my glasses off, you look like a zombie. but when I put them back on, you look like a pretty princess!!"
me~" those are some magic glasses son!"
We were watching the super nanny, Brody said-" mum you've got to admit, we are way nicer than those kids!"
trying to make a plan with mark ... well its ridiculous..... "me~"what time are you coming home?"
him~"when I get home"
me~"what time will that be?"
him~"when it happens"
me~"where are you just now?"
him~ "in my truck!"
me~"ok...where is your TRUCK?"
him~"on the road!"
me~"which road???"
him~"the freeway!"
Me~ "can you give me an idea of when to expect you?"
him~" you can expect me, when I arrive home!"
Me~" and... when will that beeeee?"
him~"when it happens!"
me~ "will it be soon?"
him~ "probably will, probably wont!"
me~"that doesn't even make sense"
him~" maybe not in Scotland, but it makes perfect sense in America!"
Me~ (getting frustrated)... no it doesn't!"
him~"why are you in a bad mood?"
Ava would like to make a public apology for the smell in the woman's bathroom, although she denies any knowledge of how that poopy diaper got on her " it wasn't me mummy, it was a boy!" — at Barro's Pizza
Owen-"mum.....why do you got that face?"
ME~ (singing at the top of my voice)"this girl is on fiiiiiiiire, this girl is on firrrrrre" Ava~" I don't like you be on fire mum!"
Owen~"mum my poop is trying to come out!"
Me~"well,go to the toilet then!!!"
Owen~"I can't, cos I don't have a heart in my tummy!"
Me~"you do have a heart, now get to the toilet quickly"
Owen~"No I don't have a heart, cos I didn't eat one!"
just rocked my baby to sleep in my arms and looked at my perfect sleeping angel, my heart was brimming over with pure love and adoration, and then.... without notice her eyes sprung open, she jumped off my lap and ran away, she pooped on the floor, as I was cleaning up her poopy mess, she was in the bathroom spreading toothpaste all over the mirror, as I was cleaning the bathroom, she was in her bedroom spreading (expensive imported) diaper cream all over herself and all her toys!!!!! this is a true story..... what an emotional roller coaster this girl provides to me on an hourly basis!!!
owen~" mum, I dont like my eyes be off"
owen~"I dont want my eyes be off mum, cos cos that will be a pwoblem, when my eyes is off, then I won't see, and that will be awkward"
Sunday, February 3, 2013
I love them!
Posted by bethiepoos at 1:06 PM
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