Sunday, January 30, 2011

Don't yell at the referee............

Yesterday I was loading up the kids in the car when Kyle and Brody broke into a fight! I believe they were disputing who gets to play with the weird plastic bar thing that goes across the stroller. (and by "play" I mean hit violently). Anyway so Kyle had the desired prize in hand when Brody went into an almighty rage and was thumping Kyle hard on the back. I grabbed Brody and told him(firmly) That this was not acceptable behavior and he better apologize at once to his brother. Apparently this angered Brody further as he blurted out to me... " FINE!!! Well I'm NEVER going to go to bed AGAIN!!!!"

What a boy!!!


Ruth said...

Mikayla's been saying things like that!
me-"No, you may not have a fifth donut."
Mikayla-"Then I will NEVER have a donut again!"
me-"...ummm...okay...More for mommy?"