Wednesday, August 18, 2010

it's all about ava!

what else is new???? I LOVE this girl............

So she is almost 4 months old, and is at a really fun age! She spends most of the day awake and wants to play. She loves ALOT of attention and with 3 big brothers she definately gets it! She rolled over for the first time last week. (which is the earliest of my babies to roll) She is extremely active and can scoot herself around on the floor! Again this is very early compared to my boys (maybe girls really are smarter than boys)
She is a happy little girl and smiles all day long, she laughs pretty hard too when she gets tickled.

I am going broke with all the dresses I keep buying they are waaaay tooo many cute girl clothes!!

I am having too much fun! She is the star of the house and she knows it!


Ruth said...

I can't believe how big she's getting! Time has flown by (for me, anyway...I'm sure the waiting was torture for you!)Look at your cute family!!
By the way, me? Amish?? hahaha, I guess I could see it. Would I be able to eat take out? Oh, and I don't really like winnie the pooh, but Mikayla used to love it when it came on the Disney channel.