Thursday, August 6, 2009

kyle is a big schoolboy now!

Here is my baby, all grown up and off to big school! I have mixed emotions about him being at school. I am sad that I don't get to see his cute little face all day, but I am excited for him to have many great experiences that he will get at school. He seems to be loving class and has made many friends. I am soo proud of my big boy! we love you kyle xxx

The other day we were walking from the playground to our car, when Kyle pointed out someone he knew, "look mommy, that's my friend Cody" he paused then said happily "he says my breath smells like dirt!" I replied "that's not very nice" to which Kyle responded very matter-of-fact "No mom, it really does!" I guess we will be packing Altoids in his lunchbox (hehehe)


Cheryl said...

Oh Kyle. Always such the grown up! What a handsome little man!

Bonnie said...

Yea for Kyle!!! Good thing he is sooo cute since "dirt breath" could scare girls away in the future!

I AM JOE PESCI said...

That's hilarious!

Happy School Days to you Kyle!!