Saturday, August 23, 2008


I just had an ultrasound and saw my growing baby! We got to hear the heartbeat too which was beautiful. I absolutely love being pregnant it makes me very happy. (it helps that I don't seem to get sick at all). My only real symptom so far is...... extreme HUNGER!! seriously, I eat my breakfast at 8am, and by 10am, I am ready to rip my stomach out!! I went to "in and out" burger at 10am on Tuesday!! I am definitely going to get massive again this pregnancy! oh dear!
so anyway, we are all very happy, and enjoying this special time of waiting and preparing for our new little bundle! Its all sooo exciting!
I recall mothers day, (not so long ago) when I sat in church and buried my head into my dress and sobbed, never knowing if I would ever get the chance to be a mother. (it was my only desire). We adopted sweet baby "Kyle Mark" in November 04, and finalized in may the following year. He was sealed to us in the temple the day before mothers day. It held such significance to me, and the sorrow that I had experienced the year before, had been replaced with a joy that I could hardly contain. Being sealed to my special little boy, was one of the highlights of my life! It is sometimes difficult to see the whole picture, and trust in Heavenly Fathers hand.
I am soo grateful for the blessing of adoption. I am also very grateful for medical science, and its role in bringing our sweet baby "Brody Glen" into the world. I am so excited to be carrying another little miracle inside me, and for the opportunity to be a mother! It is my favourite job in the world!!! I feel so honored to be able to raise my little boys. kyle impresses me every day with all the amazing facts he has learned, he knows some Spanish, he recites the 1st article of faith, he even knows Marks mobile number! He is so clever and mature for his age and I am so proud of him. Brody makes me laugh my head off everyday with his feisty little attitude... The other day he said to me (completely out of the blue) " I no like Tacobell anyMORE!!!" (em... ok!!!????) Whenever I put him in his car seat, he starts screaming impatiently..... "air on!! air ON!!!!!" ( in Arizona weather who could really blame him?) I really do feel so blessed, I feel like I am living in my dreams, and I get to share it all with my best friend Mark!


Jill said...

what a beautiful post! I love how the joy and gratitude is everywhere! Congrats again on the pregnancy. I'm so excited for you (though, I myself don't enjoy pregnancy like you apparently do). I crave hamburgers and fries like crazy too...

mad white woman said...

It's been a while since I've said hi but I really liked this post. It made me happy and I'm so happy for your new little one to come into such a loving home!

Jenna said...

That is the sweetest post Beth! I feel so blessed as well to be able to be a mother and I am so happy for you that you have been able to make your dreams come true! I can't wait until I get to blog about the funny things that my kids will say in the future! Oh and I am so glad you got to see my blog again... you're welcome to anytime!!

Mary-Sunshine said...

Bethie, wow, I have missed a lot!! I love all your posts. The cute pictures of brody, your beautiful neices, and this one. I have been feeling the same way, so blessed to be where I am in life with the people I get to have around me. I am excited for you to have another little one, you are such a good mom!!!

I AM JOE PESCI said...

Beth, you're awesome. I'm so happy for you.

Marie said...

That is so fun seeing the baby moving around it always makes it feel more real. That is so sweet about Kyle.

Marie said...

That is so fun seeing the baby moving around it always makes it feel more real. That is so sweet about Kyle.

Larsens said...

bethie... i feel blessed to be a little part of your sweet little boys lives. they are so funny and so adorable. i wish we could spend more time with them. keep feeling well. cant wait to hear what you got cookin!!

mattis0n said...

I just love your post, and congrats on the ultrasound- that all is well. I love being in YW with you and are sad that you will be leaving soon.


The Curtis Family said...

I'm so glad all is well with baby. You are a GREAT mum Bethie. You made me cry with your post, and with your comment on my blog last night. I'm going to miss you so much!

Alli grins said...

Such a sweet post! Congrats on your new little bean. I actually had no idea that Kyle was adopted. What a lucky boy to come to such a great family. Makes you appreciate your pregnancy even more, doesn't it? Glad things are going well for you!