Saturday, April 17, 2010

the man coat

My little poser..... Kyle

Today I told the boys that we were going to cousin Kellan's wedding reception. Kyle said ... " I want to wear my man coat tonight" To which Mark responded..."I don't think its going to be cold tonight. Kyle said... "No, It's not that.... It's just that I really want to look good tonight!" hahhahha what a boy!

So a couple of hours later when it was time to get ready, Kyle dressed himself, and put his special "man coat" on. I then found him inches away from the mirror spiking his hair. I couldn't believe my eyes when I found him in amongst Mark's aftershave. I asked jokingly..."kyle do you have a girlfriend you are trying to impress?" To which he replied... "No, I just really want to look good!"
When we got to the reception, Kyle insisted that I take some pictures of him in his special "man coat" and posed accordingly (without prompting) please notice the leaning against the tree pose, and the laying on the ground leaning on his elbow. yep... He was looking pretty good tonight and he wanted it documented!


Cheryl said...

Can't argue with the facts! He does look good. We love you, Kyle!!!!