Sunday, April 11, 2010

funny kids.......

Kyle excitedly comes home from school and say he is going on a field trip.
me- "oh cool, where are you going this time?'
Kyle-"we are going to the mexican zoo!"
me-"do you mean phoenix zoo?

I was getting the boys ready for church and had them all in shirts and ties for a change.
Me- "There you go, now you all look like men!"
Brody- "yeah... even you!"
....thanks Brody (as I feel my upper lip for hair)

Mark and the boys were at the park when a guy walked past smoking a cigarette
Brody told Mark (loudly) "hey look that guy's lollypop is on fire!"


I was at the park with the kids when a little boy came over to Brody and said " hey do you want to come to my house? to which Brody stuttered.... "but but but what kind of cookies do you got at your house?"


I AM JOE PESCI said...

oh my gosh . . . those are hysterical!