This is my new nephew Cooper! He was born on Sunday 6th December, at 08.09 after 72 hours of grueling labor! He weighed in at 7lbs 9oz and he is the star of our family! My sister Jenny is amazing! Her waters broke in the middle of the night on Thursday, and she labored slowly and painfully for the next 3 days. The baby was delivered by forcepts and was forced through the birth canal. He was badly bruised and his shoulder was injured due to his rough delivery. He has earned his nickname "Cooper the Trooper".
He is making slow progress daily, and I have been inspired by my sister Jenny who has marvelled at every simple development. She was excited to be able to change his "nappy" (diaper). and her most recent delight... she has been able to breastfeed her little boy! She is soo excited! Cooper had some breathing difficulties when he was first born, so he has spent his first few days in the I.C.U. Poor Jenny spent a couple of nights alone in her own room worrying about her special boy I am happy to report that mummy and baby have been reunited and Cooper is by her side. We are still waiting on M.R.I results and bloodwork before they can go home. Cooper's right arm has limited mobility and we are all hoping and praying that this will be a temperary situation. Congratulations Jenny and Paul, We are soo proud of you! We LOVE you Cooper! Welcome to the family xxx