Sunday, August 14, 2011

a quiet sunday afternoon....???

Today whilst at church.... I was in the nursery taking care of the children when the primary president came to find me. It was loud in the nursery and I couldn't really figure out what she was telling me. I could make out the words "brody" and then "door" I immediately thought..."OH NO... has he done another runner????" But then she said "STITCHES" I felt myself get shaky and emotional as I tried to gather my things including owen and ava I frantically make my way over to a big couch in the church hallway and there he is.... my wee Brody with a big ball of paper tissues on his bleeding head. He is sobbing and cuddling me. He would not let me look at his cut, but his teacher is a nurse and said it would need stitches so we headed off to the urgent care. Poor brody cried all the way there. and sweet little sensitive Kyle sniffled and tried to hide the little tears that were sneaking out and rolling down his freckled cheeks.
When we got in there (me and Brody) they lay him down and put a movie on for him, Brody kept asking for kyle the whole time. I finally had to go and get him to stay by Brody's side. When the doctor injected numbing medicine in Brodys cut, he screamed out in pain, Kyle had to cover his ears because it upset him so much to hear his brother cry. I just find it amazing at how close they are. They are soo lucky to have each other.
Brody got 4 stitches in his forehead and took it like a man! They didn't have to bind him up in sheets (like Kyle had previously had to endure) I was soo proud of him. I promised I would give him a sweetie, so we picked up his presciption and a bag of airheads (as promised) even though it was sunday - ;)


I AM JOE PESCI said...

What a day! Poor sweet Brody . . . and poor sweet Kyle! I'm glad you made it through. Hugs and kisses to your sweet family.