Thursday, October 28, 2010

ava is 6 months!

I can hardly believe that my little newborn baby girl is 6 MONTHS OLD! where does the time go?

Ava is an absolute JOY to have in our home. She is never with out her big gummy smile.

This week she has learned to sit, and she can hold it for a couple of minutes before falling backwards.

It is hard to describe how I feel about this girl. She is a dream come true for me and I love her soo much.

Next week I get to take her over to Scotland to meet her grandparents and all her aunties, uncles & cousins. I am SOOO excited!!!


Amy from Our Dish said...

OH. MY. GOSH. I must have her. Can you order me one JUST like her???

Pretty please?

I will take her anytime you need a babysitter. And I'm not kidding. :)

Have a FABULOUS time in Scotland!