Saturday, January 23, 2010

Owen Grant age 9 months

Kyle has 4 scrapbooks and calendars, babybooks galore. Brody has 1 scrapbook and a calendar, Poor little Owen has a calender and on page one it says.... "Owen is here!" and thats about it! Here is my attempt to try and document some of his milestones.

Owen is 9 months, and I can't believe he is growing up so fast before my eyes! This month has been very busy for Mr Owen......

* He has decided that he no longer wants to be a baby! He is no longer interested in nursing, and prefers a nice warm bottle of formula.

*At the beginning of the month, his first little tooth popped through! and now he has two!

*He has moved on to alot of table foods.

* He has learning how to pull himself up to standing position.

* He has learned how to crawl.

* He has discovered the joys of dvd players and wires.

* He gets to have a big boy bath with his brothers now.

* He has learned how to dance.

* He can wave bye bye.

* He can shake his head.

* He enjoys peek-a-boo

* He learned how to throw a temper tantrum (and has done it many times since)

Owen is the sweetest, loveliest, good natured baby! It is impossable to put into words how much I LOVE and ADORE him


Mary-Sunshine said...

I sure do love that little face and flowy hair!