Friday, July 11, 2008

trash or treasure? thats the question!

I spent 4 hours this morning going through Kyle and Brodys clothes, (they have an awful lot of clothes!) I am beginning the massive job of organising and clearing out before we move house (next month). I managed to fill 2 huge trash bags (bin-bags for my British fans), and their closets were still bulging!! It doesnt make any sense, I thought I had a handle on my shopping addiction, but apparently not!!!! anyway, the next project I am going to tackle is the playroom!!! I am scared! have these toys been reproducing? I plan to donate alot of my goods to D.I (charity shop), but I am slightly nervous, because the last time we attempted to be "charitable" they refused to take our "treasures!" apparently they have become rather picky! Whatever happened to the term.. "beggars can't be choosers?" call me old fashioned but I was deeply disturbed by this new-found selectiv-ness!!!(is that a word?) I recall the time when we went to donate our old couch, and the men looked it up and down and said.... (wait for it).... "no thanks!"
"pardon me sir, but we bought this couch here a few months ago!!!!!" In fairness to the man, it really was a scruffy old 70's looking thing, but that is what had charmed us when we bought it! (seriously I cant believe we actually paid money for that thing!)
The next attempt we tried, was the last straw for me, it was a rolled up carpet. (we had ordered carpet for our last house, and at the last minute had decided on wood floor, so we had a whole roll of brand new carpet!) I was almost excited to donate this, as I just KNEW they would appreciate such a great item, and we would get that nice fuzzy feeling that you get when you do something nice, but, no...... once again our donation was refused and we were sent on our merry way! without any fuzzy feelings!!! What is going on?
I am left to wonder ..... are our standards really that bad, that even the local thrift store is not interested in what we have to give. Or are they getting a bit snobby? thoughts?


Jodi said...

They wouldn't take the carpet?!? I would think that brand new carpet was a great find! I have heard that they're getting more picky, though. I guess they have to pay too much to haul the "real" junk away when nobody buys it. But still, the carpet - sheesh! They ARE picky.

Good luck with the playroom. :0)

I AM JOE PESCI said...

Wait. . . you're moving???

The Curtis Family said...

Beth I too have been a charitable reject. On my couch too. So you're in good company.

This must have been the weekend to cleanse closets. We did the same thing!

Boo hoo I'm seriously so sad you are moving. Please please please stay! We haven't had enough time to play! And we haven't refinished my tables in my front room yet. That's a must do before you fly away. Tell Mark you've changed your mind and you want to stay. OK?

Mary-Sunshine said...

Snob, totally snobs!