Sunday, October 7, 2007

poor brody

OK I am finally able to move on from Brody's bad haircut!

I am going to show you some pics of my boy

first pic, is before any shaving began, look how sweet he is


Then cheryl tried to fix it for us, and it looked alot better. here is my wee Brody Glen with his big boy haircut!
I hated it at first, but to be honest, it has kind of grown on me, He looks so grown-up! He still can't walk though! 14 1/2 months old.
Love my wee pal! He is so different from Kyle, Brody gets really mad, and bites us all! and throws his head down on the floor in his raging temper tantrums!

anyway, so we shaved kyles head too, so they can both look like thugs!

My poor baby looks like a

Brody has very thick hair, and most of the time it looks kind of scruffy, but he is soo cute, I love his crazy hair. I decided to give in to Mark, and began trimming Brodys hair. I got it looking pretty good, when Mark decided he wanted it shorter, and completely shaved the whole back off!!! he left a big mop on the top!! My baby looked exactly like A MONK!!! I started crying, and banned Mark from ever touching either of the boys hair EVER again!!! but of course we couldnt leave poor brody looking like a monk, so I reluctantly let mark try to blend the rest of the hair, which kept getting shorter and shorter!! anyway.... long story short... my baby now looks like a missionary gone wrong!!! I am very very sad about it!!! will post pictures when I can see the funny side (which might be never)


Mary-Sunshine said...

I am sorry, I bet it was horrible. But, the way you wrote it, sounds funny!

Laura said...

I've tried typing a message 3 times now and just can't figure out a comforting thing to say... Monk's live respectable, wholesome lives... I'd encourage it.

bethiepoos said...

I am almost ready to laugh about it, especially since cheryl has made it look alot better!!!

Anonymous said...

How time flys... I click my fingers, turn my head and your beautiful family has grown and prospered!

Bless you and yours BetsyBurp!

Larsens said...

i miss your boys. they are to cute bethie!

mad white woman said...

BETH! i just clicked on some random blog and saw your link on it. yeah for blogging that allows us to keep in touch with friends that desert our wonderful neighborhood. ;) good to read about your family and hope everything is going super.

Lindsey F. said...

Happy Birthday to you!!!!!!! I hope you had a great day! Love ya!